日本海洋學會呼籲公開水產品輻射檢測報告 自日本福島毀損的第一核電廠外洩銫等放射性物質後,日本食品飽受輻射汙染威脅不斷擴大。日本海洋學會(Oceanographic Society of Japan)呼籲重視水產品檢出微量輻射物的威脅,敦促日本政府全面公開水產品檢驗結果之輻射數據,以準確評估水產品輻射安全是否無虞。日本最好房網大超市連鎖永旺株式會社(Aeon Co.)遺憾表示,有4,108公斤疑遭輻射汙染的牛肉在全國174家連鎖店特賣會中銷售一空。還有些屠宰牛肉早於7月19日日本政府禁止福島縣輸出牛隻前流入市面;7月23日禁止輸出檢出銫含量超標的福島產椎茸。日本厚生勞動省報告指出,自福島沿岸水產品檢出68件水產品輻射量超出國家安全標準;於福島訂做禮服縣505種水產品檢出15件香魚、7件鮭魚、7件 greenling及6箱玉筋魚輻射量超標;福島南方的茨城縣送檢的265種樣品中有5件輻射量超標;其他15縣送檢水產品輻射檢測無虞;福島北方的宮城縣有44樣送檢、岩手縣則有2樣送檢。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 14/2011,1 Aug. 2011) Japanese Scientists Push for More 租辦公室Radiation Tests to Assess Seafood Risks 2011-07-26 /japanese-scientists-push-for-more-radiation-tests-to-assess-seafood-risks.htmlJapan’s government has to release more data from ocean radiation tests to accurately assess the contamination threat to seafood, 酒店打工according to a statement by the Oceanographic Society of Japan. The government should release radiation readings in sea water that are below its minimum measurement level, because even at those low quantities the radioactive elements may pose a danger when concentrated in seafood, according to 酒店打工the group. Radiation threats to Japan’s food chain are multiplying as cesium emissions from the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant spread. Aeon Co., Japan’s biggest supermarket chain, said yesterday 4,108 kilograms (9,056 pounds) of beef suspected of being contaminated by 濾桶radiation was inadvertently put on sale at 174 stores across the country.The government on July 19 banned cattle shipments from Fukushima prefecture, though not before some had been slaughtered and shipped. A ban on shiitake mushrooms was extended to another area of Fukushima on July 23 because 商務中心of high cesium levels, the health ministry said. Testing of seafood off the coast of Fukushima uncovered 68 cases of fish and marine life with radiation readings exceeding the government’s safety limit, according to a report by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Fukushima prefecture 借貸tested 505 seafood items to discover excessive radiation levels in 15 cases of sweetfish, seven cases of salmon, seven cases of greenling and six cases of sand lance, according the report.Ibaraki prefecture, south of Fukushima, reported 5 cases of excessive radiation levels after testing 265 租屋samples. Seafood tests by 15 other prefectures found no other cases of contamination, according to the report. Miyagi prefecture, north of Fukushima tested 44 samples, while Iwate, further north, tested two samples.

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